
What is machine learning used for and who uses it?

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Machine learning is used in a wide range of applications. One of the most well-known instances of machine learning in action is the recommendation engine that powers Facebook's news feed.

Facebook uses machine learning to personalise how each member's feed is delivered. If a member reads a particular group's posts frequently, the recommendation engine will start displaying more of that group's activity earlier in the feed.

Behind the scenes, the engine is striving to reinforce recognised trends in the member's online behaviour. If the member's reading habits change and he or she fails to read postings from that group in the coming weeks, the news feed will be changed.

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In addition to recommendation engines, other uses for machine learning include the following:

  • Customer relationship management. CRM software may use machine learning models to analyse email and encourage salespeople to respond to the most important emails first. Advanced systems can even give suggestions for feasible solutions that are advantageous.
  • For business intelligence. BI and analytics software vendors utilise machine learning to find potentially valuable data points, patterns of data points, and anomalies.
  • Human resource information systems. HRIS systems can utilise machine learning models to go through applications and locate the best candidates for open positions.
  • Self-driving cars. A semi-autonomous vehicle might use machine learning techniques to detect a partially visible object and alert the driver.
  • Personal virtual assistants. Smart assistants frequently use supervised and unsupervised machine learning to comprehend natural speech and give information.

Nathan Martin

Python Developer

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