How to reduce stress?


How to reduce stress

Exercise and sports are effective ways to reduce stress
Exercise is a great way to reduce stress in the body because it reduces cortisol – this is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands during times of stress, anxiety, anger or fear. In addition, cortisol can increase blood pressure, increase blood sugar levels and decrease the body's immunity.

According to Debbie Mandel, author of "Turn On Your Inner Light: Fitness for Body, Mind and Soul," exercise helps burn cortisol, which in turn keeps the body healthy. Exercise also stimulates the brain's pituitary gland to release endorphins, which are highly effective neurotransmitters that can help ward off the negative effects of stress.

Relieve stress by staying positive
According to statistics, people with an optimistic spirit often overcome stress more easily than those with negative thoughts. Therefore, when experiencing stress, you need to learn to think simply and positively in all matters, which not only helps to improve your mood but also helps you confidently "clean up" the troubles in work and life.

Enjoy life reducing stress
When you feel overwhelmed by the pressures of work and daily life, try to put everything aside and pamper yourself by treating yourself to a hobby or a trip with Friends, relatives or simply you can participate in social activities to help calm and improve your mood. Playing Drive Mad to relax.

Spend time with friends and family
When you are stressed, don't carry everything on your own, now you need a support to share. You should look to the friends and loved ones you trust the most to open up and get advice from them. Under the objective view of an outsider will help you orient and think more correctly, thereby easily helping yourself to relieve stress.

Some studies show that spending time with friends and family helps release oxytocin, a natural stress reliever. Another study found that people with fewer social connections were more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety.
